23/06/2020 “Sustainable building, sustainable living: La Borda, Barcelona by Lacol“, Architects’ Journal
6/1/2020 “Cooperatives Offer Innovative Option to Solve the Affordable Housing Shortage“, Banker & Tradesman
03/2019 “La propriété, en cinq variations“, Nouveau Projet,
19/09/2018 “New Forms of Conviviality”, XXI Magazine
04/2018 “Coopérer pour résister à la spéculation“, Courrier international
01/01/2018 “Another way to live“, Metropolitan Barcelona
11/2017 “New forms of community coexistence and self-organisation”, On Diseño
2/06/2017 “La Borda: a case of study on the implementation of cooperative housing in Catalonia” , Taylor & Francis Online
21/01/2016 “CoHousing in Europe #1: La Borda”, Cities in Transition